Outdoor Technologist

Random thoughts spewed in the digital realm

Miniware MPD-XP

I recently learned about the MDP-XP power supply from this tweet. The compact size of this product immediately interested me because I sometimes do ‘Debugging House Calls’ where I meet SW/FW Engineers away from my normal lab space. I considered purchasing the product version without the display, but then decided I should try the whole…

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Why does the F-117 Stealth look so angular?

Was just talking about this the other day and I wanted to have it handy so it makes this little corner of notes: Here is the best link I’ve recently read about it: https://qr.ae/pGjYkh


Reconnecting your Device to Microsoft OneDrive / Azure / Apps for Business

Doing a security review of my stuff led me to foolishly delete my main laptop because it was randomly labeled… this is how I solved it The reference did not match the reality, but it was close enough to help me solve it: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/48985/re-enable-device.html My dashboard was blank, so I used the search tool to…

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OrCAD Layout 17.2 Useful Tips

Text Size You can easily change the all the text in a board file or symbol at once. Not exactly what you’re looking for but it is quick and it works. 1. Right Click > Super Filter > Text2. Edit > Change Objects3. Check box for Text Block4. Select Text Size.5. Highlight all text.This will…

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Installing and Running Mentor Graphics PADS & Cadence OrCAD Capture on the same machine

In the past I’ve always used separate machines or dual booted a machine to ensure my environments were working when I needed them to, but I’m finally using both tools enough that it was time to spend the 5 minutes asking the ‘Google IT Engineer’ for help installing and simultaneously using both tools on one…

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View Git History of Specific Line

Sometimes you want to know when a line of code changed and who changed it – This is how. Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50469927/view-git-history-of-specific-line Example (placeholder):

Parse files with grep and cut – wait cut??

I had a few log files with microsecond timers that I needed to parse quickly and I figured I could do it with grep, but then I found out I could do it even more efficiently by piping to ‘cut’ I learned this here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/548716/438718 Example:

How do I figure out what the randomly appearing command windows are doing on Windows 10????

The best way: In an admin PowerShell, execute this command: This shows a nice window: Alternative: provides text file for storing: Open a command window, type the command above, then open Notepad and paste it there to see the history of command. I learned this from this site: https://www.winhelponline.com/blog/find-unknown-program-open-and-close-immediately/

Universal Dream Machine Pro: Changing Network Address

Having heard about industrial malware and other security threats, I picked up a Ubuquiti Dream Machine Pro a couple months ago to increase the security of my network and to allow me to create isolated networks (VLANs) for different projects that I work on. You can also look for proactive network threat detection solutions to…

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dd for Windows 10

Copying SD to SD card https://rufus.ie/ https://www.balena.io/etcher/ https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/ Backup Image to File on Windows10 Use win32diskimager and these directions: https://beebom.com/how-clone-raspberry-pi-sd-card-windows-linux-macos/ General SD Card Formatting The SD Card group has put out their own formatter created by Tuxera. Link: https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter/ Direct links to the files are below: Windows: https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter/eula_windows/index.html Mac: https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter/eula_mac/index.html

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