Outdoor Technologist

Random thoughts spewed in the digital realm

Remove SSH known hosts on Windows

The quick:

Open a Windows File Explorer and type:


This brings you to the .ssh directory that has the known_hosts file in it.

Open the known_host file delete the key that is causing you problems.

Source: https://superuser.com/questions/311886/where-is-the-known-hosts-file-for-openssh-for-windows/318749#318749?newreg=7793b32b40354caeab6d06206035d9f0

A bit more bloggy:

Due to the nature of the work I do, I often use the same IP address for the systems I install, this makes it easier for me to manage them. Unfortunately, this means that the ‘duplicate’ Linux systems raise security flags when I attempt to ssh into a new machine.

In order to solve this, I either use PuTTY, or, more often than not, I simply delete the offending SSH key so I can use Powershell.

The easiest way to delete the keys are to:

  1. Open Windows File Explorer
  2. Go to this location: %USERPROFILE%\.ssh
  3. Open the known_hosts file
  4. delete the key of the IP that is causing you issues

Hope this helps someone

command linetipsWindows

John • 2024-01-31

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