Outdoor Technologist

Random thoughts spewed in the digital realm

Don’t sudo hungover

Twice now, since working with Linux again, I’ve managed to be a fool and delete my windows partition…

This happens because I’m hungover, and because I take the extra steps of deleting the partitions on the SD Cards before I reimage them to ensure that I don’t mess up and test the wrong build, again!

My first clue should be that I’m being asked for my root password when deleting partitions… but I like to ignore that obvious sign of pending doom.

I’ve been deleting the SD card partitions so I can ensure that dd writes the fresh info on my card – it isn’t necessary, but I messed up once and wasted time working on the wrong build.

How did I do it? Ubuntu 18.04 testdisk.



  1. https://itectec.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-how-to-recover-deleted-windows-partition-with-complete-data-duplicate/
  2. https://www.tecmint.com/recover-deleted-files-using-testdisk-in-linux/




John • 2020-10-24

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