Outdoor Technologist

Random thoughts spewed in the digital realm

WiFi to Ethernet Bridging

We just moved to a new home and my network is splintered again; however, I donated my semi-reliable DAP-1522 during our last move so I needed another solution.

Before I explain how I bridge, I’ll explain why I want to bridge my WiFi to an ethernet switch…


I have a few computers that I keep near my desk because it is convenient for my workflow. This convenience is especially noticeable when I want to rebuild or play with a new OS… I simply grab the machine and get to it. Below are the machines I wire into this desk network:

  1. My main Desktop PC in the ethernet network runs GRUB to allow me to boot to one of the many versions of Linux and Windows installed on it. I’ve also installed few extra TB of storage that I use as backup to my backups!
  2. I run linux on an old PC that I use to play with Wireshark – this was touchy a few years ago, so I dedicated an old PC to the job. Now that Nordic + Wireshark is easy to use pm Win7 Pro, I’ll probably use that machine for something in the near future.
  3. One of my favorite devices is the Shuttle XS35 –  I bought it back back in 2009 or 2009 to collect sleep data. It was worth every penny as it is fanless and silent thanks to SSD technology! This was my main Quantified Self Sleep Data collection hub that enabled me to collect analog data from the Zeo Sleep monitor using Open Source code from Zeo without having a fan suddenly whirrrrrr to life in the middle of the night!
  4. My DNS-323 is still running so I keep it around for in house backups. It doesn’t have WiFi so I need a switch to connect to this. I often transfer large amounts of photos to this for backup and I’m happy to plug my devices in to make this happen on the isolated ethernet portion of the network.
  5. I also connect 3 or 5 old laptops to the ethernet switch when I’m doing machine to machine backups using one of the commercial backup


Back to how I bridge – which is why you’re here.

  • To Pi or not to Pi
    • I wanted to use an Raspberry Pi 3 model B, but it appears that the easy way of doing this forces the network behind the Pi to be a subnet (192.168.1.x for my main network that I connect to wirelessly and 192.168.2.x for the ethernet NIC side of the Pi)
    • Not to Pi (for now)
  • Windows bridge?
    • I seriously doubted I’d do this, but this is where I am today, and I’ll stay as long as I can make everything else work… but I’m leaning toward a Pi solution because I don’t want to waste the power and limit myself to keeping that GRUB machine running Windows 7 Pro all the time.


  • How not to do it: (links inactive so you have to take extra steps to get there – they’re here because I like the history)
    • Definitely NOT this:
      • http://www.countrymilewifi.com/how-to-share-computers-wifi-with-ethernet-devices.aspx
      • It gave me an error that I chased for a while before I unselected the “Allow other network users…”
    • Why – windows 10. I run Win7 Pro
      • http://www.windowscentral.com/how-set-and-manage-network-bridge-connection-windows-10


  • I’m up and running, but my remote desktop to the bridge machine isn’t working.
    • I’ll have to grab KMM and hook directly to the machine to debug (that’s why I like the machines accessible!)



  • Linksys Bridge for less than $35 at Amazon
    • Reasons:
      • I couldn’t get to my Bridge Desktop via RDP
      • I don’t like spending that much energy on a simple bridge solution
      • I can now play with my main PC as necessary without interrupting network connectivity
      • $35 solution with no Raspberry Pi setup time involved.

John • 2016-12-14

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